Query Set:
- get - get_or_create (obj, created 튜플이 리턴되니 주의) - exists - update - delete(물론 filter는 별도)
Field Look-up:
- __exact / __iexact - __contains / __icontains / __search - __in (with list) - __gt / __gte - __lt / __lte - __startswith / __istartswith - __endswith / __iendswith - __range - __year / __month / __day - __isnull(i로 시작되는 이름은 ignore case)
Raw Query with Model:
r = ModelClass.objects.raw("SQL Query String")(Insert문은 model로 raw query가 안되니 아래 참고)
Raw Query with Cursor:
from django.db import connection, transaction cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute("SQL Query String") transaction.commit_unless_managed()
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